LED Fixtures DPP-140 horticultural LED lighting for interlighting plants

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Ordering codeDSP-140-80-300-1.07- RBM-01 DSP-140-80-300-1.07- RBWM-02
Напряжение питающей сети, В 220/230220/230
Потребляема мощность, Вт8494
Коэффициент мощности 0.960.96
PPF, мкмоль/с 192199
PF, мкмоль/с 192203
Эффективность PPF, мкмоль/джоуль 2.282.1
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LED fixtures DPP-140 series are intended for irradiation of plants in industrial greenhouses and other cultivation structures of sheltered ground – interlighting plants.

The fixtures use high-performance specialized LEDs manufactured by OSRAM.

Case material — a polycarbonate pipe.

Degree of protection against foreign bodies and water – IP65.