Quality Policy

The main goal

The main goal of the company’s management in the field of quality is to expand and strengthen the competitive position of the company in the development of lighting products, increase the economic growth of the enterprise and the welfare of employees.

Working principles of JSC «ENEF»

Сustomer-oriented culture

When making decisions and their subsequent implementation, first of all, we are guided by the importance of satisfying consumer requests. We build our relations with partners on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation.

High quality

To achieve high quality products, we conduct quality monitoring at various stages of production.

Quality System Development

We consider that the required level of quality can be achieved only through an integrated and systematic approach to solving problems in the field of quality management. The company focuses on recognized models in the field of quality management in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2015.

Professionalism of employees

We consider that without qualified personnel it is impossible to perform work in a high-quality manner, therefore we create conditions for improving and ensuring the necessary level of qualification of our employees. Improving the quality of our work, we seek to improve the financial results of the enterprise.

The management of JSC «ENEF» undertakes the following obligations:

Continuously develop and improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.

Comply with the requirements of the quality management system by all managers and employees.

Motivate staff to achieve the goals of the company in the field of quality.

Orient the activities of the enterprise to the fullest possible satisfaction of the needs of consumers and partners.